Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wanderhunger: An exclusive interview with myself

Do I travel to satiate a wanderlust?
No, I travel because I'm hungry. It's not that I don't have anything to eat here, but trying new food is a good excuse for me to travel. Everything else I do when I travel is just a cover to make it seem like I am being productive. In reality, I try learning new languages to communicate in a restaurant and asking locals for recipes.

Do I enjoy cooking?
I cook a lot, even when I am alone. I like to eat well (in every sense of the word). In order to eat well, it requires me to cook. I also like eating with other people, so I sometimes cook for my friends.

What have my travels taught me about food?
Never waste food unless it goes bad. Try not to let your food go bad and eat it first. If you're not hungry, store food appropriately. I used to be a selective eater when I was young, but I had shed that habit throughout the years. I believe that if you don't give a dish a chance, you're missing out. I also believe that every person has a choice, so if you don't want it, I'll eat it. I am grateful for every (carefully portioned) bite I take.

I learn how to prepare ingredients differently when I travel, so I hardly ever get bored in the kitchen. Since I'm only one small person, I can't eat everything at the same time, so it's always new and exciting when I rediscover dishes.

What amazing deliciousness did I have to eat this past week?
Russian vinaigrette salad. I learned how to eat and cook beets last winter. This is Sofie's recipe. Boil beets, carrots, and potatoes and cut into cubes. Combine with peas, garlic, chopped onions, and dill. Toss with lemon juice, vinegar, and olive oil.

Marscapone cheese and zucchini pizza. Diego brought me to an Italian restaurant where he used to work. I fell in love with this pizza and have eaten it at least once a week since I've been back from Spain. To make it, I layered a pre-made pizza crust with marscapone cheese, homemade pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, and thin slices of zucchini.

I have a few more tricks up my sleeve that I'm willing to share. I'm not saying that I'm amazing cook because I'm definitely not, but I sometimes impress myself with my skills.


  1. it ,s worth to sent Tammie to the places. She is not picky as much as she was before. comment by Tammie,s mom

  2. That pizza was the BOMB. I might try that beet salad recipe, as I'm on a small beet kick ever since having that beef dish at GSO international night.



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