Somehow, I came across this blog a few days ago and find it interesting. The writer is an American living in the middle of Russia and dedicates his site to Russian women. At first, I was repulsed by the idea and disgusted by the fact that anyone could do this to women (from anywhere). Looking a little bit deeper, I see that he has some interesting points to make. The post about the difference between the reactions towards pregnancy in America and Russia elicits a compelling discussion.
Your opinions are your own about his site. I've written him and received this answer,
Wow.. another American as crazy as me :) I just got done browsing through your blog. Nice job and nice impressions. Obviously we differ on various aspects of Russian Femininity but that is to be expected.FYI I believe that Russian Women have enormous levels of womanly "power" that a typical feminist would refuse to admit. When you get a chance you can read this post because I think it pretty much nails what my message is.
Take a look at this site for yourself. Though we don't share the same opinions, I certainly do respect his and I welcome different viewpoints.
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