Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Original Sin

November 15, 2009

I made the mistake of mixing up the words for circus and church. One day, Poland asked me if I wanted to go to the tsirk (circus) because he saw a flyer. OF COURSE, I wanted to go. Another day, he asked me if I wanted to go to a tserkov (church), and I misheard it for tsirk. Had I known, I wouldn't have agreed to go. Fortunately, we uncovered this blunder early enough so that I didn't have to wake up early on a Sunday morning to find myself at a church rather than a circus.

It's an honest mistake. And something that I am willing to own up to. So enjoy these pictures, courtesy of Piotr (Poland). And let's appreciate that he woke up early on a Sunday morning to take these. I can't explain anything about it, so just enjoy it. I was sleeping.


  1. I just read your blog about how cold it is. That hurts my heart lol. I was online for some club in a dress with leggings and thought I caught frost bite on my toes. i can't only imagine feeling that pain through your entire body. YACK.


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