We do not discriminate with drinking vessels. An espresso cup is just as good as any other. The sketch is of the famous Russian poet Lermontov.
October 1, 2009
Vodka is the national drink of choice and it no longer fazes me when a man is walking around with a bottle of beer at 11:30am. However, I am not used to people getting on public transport vehicles drinking beer like it’s water.
My Belgian flat mate said to me that her image of America is very negative because of some movies she has seen. She asked me if football teams were that great a deal and if many girls desire to be superficial cheerleaders. I said, “Not in America, but Texas yes.” She also asked if it was common for university students to get involved with fraternities and sororities just to have crazy drunken nights on the weekends. Of course it happens, but it’s definitely not a scene for everybody. Ashley, the EX-roommate, said, “It’s funny that the Europeans think we are a bunch of drunkards, but they drink more than us!” Good point.
What is my reality? I drink tea all day and night. It’s a pain in the ass to buy the big liters of water and carry it home. It’s much easier to boil tap water--and it’s very convenient with this high-tech hot pot/kettle. It turns itself off when the water boils! A person can only drink so much tea, though. And for that occasional glass of wine? I get it from the box--it’s cheaper and it’s not nearly as bad as boxed wine in the States. And as for vodka? I’ve only recently tried it. I didn’t like it in the US, and I sure don’t like it now. It is getting colder everyday...
Why you hatin' on Texas?!? If only it weren't true!!
ReplyDeletePS- Thanks for capitalizing "EX"... that really hammers home the point.