Friday, June 25, 2010
Vladimir and the Golden Ring
"An American in Moscow" by George Gershwin
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A trip to the post office (guest post)
Yesterday, I tried to send the above parcel full of books, magazines and various papers back to France (I can't afford the 22 euros per extra kilo of Czech Airlines). So, what did I do? I went to the department of the Post office specialized in sending parcels. There, they told me I had to open the whole box (very well taped, of course) because they had to check what I was sending. I told them it was only books and it turned out I had to go to an other department to send books (??). So I went to that other office, waited in line for half an hour (short line), filled in three different customs forms and the lady told me that I had to weigh the parcel and then buy stamps and then come back to the counter. Ok. So I went to the scales but the maximum weigh was 2 kg (4 lb) which meant I had to go back to the first office to weigh my parcel (10 kg/22 lb by the way).
THEN, I came back to the second office (the one that is supposed to send books, are you still following?), waited in line for an other half hour only to hear this: "for books, you can't send more than 5 kg (11 lb) at a time, and it has to be only books, and they can't be in a box" (????). At that point, I really wanted to cry. I gave up and took the box back to my apartment in the hope of finding an other way to get it home (which I did).
So what's the moral of this story? Never ever travel with a lot of books.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Remember me
Russian paradox (guest post)

In the
For me, who grew up in
When I talked about this with Russian men, they told me that this was probably due to the fact that Russian women were given all those rights without having to fight for them. When I talked about it with women my age, they told me they didn’t see where the problem was: after all, women and men are different and it’s normal if their status in the society is different too. They said that having a man “protecting” them is actually comfortable and if that means they can’t be his equal, then be it. And because I grew up in a country where I was taught that despite their differences, men and women are able to do the same things and have the same life, to me, this is sad.